New chair elected as LAA Next Generation Group looks to shape the future of red meat supply chain

Top auctioneer students recognised at Harper Adams University graduation ceremony

Direct sellers come back to live market as cost of production contracts fail Welsh producers

Turnover through the livestock markets of England and Wales smashes through the £2 billion barrier

Next generation look to the future as young livestock auctioneers visit premier bull stud

Carmarthen Livestock Mart re-opens its doors with successful first sale

Keeping markets open for business during the global pandemic a key highlight in career of Chris Dodds, LAA executive secretary and Lifetime Achievement Award recipient

LAA launches new safety initiative MartSafe for members

New research by The Prince’s Countryside Fund highlights the importance of auction marts for the social, health, and wellbeing of their visitors

Member market, Ross Livestock Market, safeguards it's future in property deal