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Bluetongue BTV-3: Changes to movement restrictions

Posted on: 10th February, 2025

Seasonal vector low period (SVLP)

A seasonal vector low period (SVLP) started on 15th January 2025.  It will end when midge activity increases and the risk of spread of bluetongue increases, typically in late March or April. During this period some bluetongue control measures are eased. 

Following successful negotiations with Defra, the following changes have been applied to movements of livestock to markets inside or outside of the Restricted Zone (RZ) during the seasonally low vector period. 

Movement of animals via markets for immediate slaughter

  • Animals that will stay within the same restricted zone do not require a licence to move. This includes animals moving into the zone and staying in the zone for slaughter.
  • Animals kept within a restricted zone can move to a market inside or outside the restricted zone for onward movement to slaughter at any abattoir, without testing. The move to the market and onto slaughter must comply with the conditions of general licence EXD634. 
  • Animals from outside the restricted zone can move to a market inside the restricted zone and move back out of the zone to slaughter without testing but in compliance with EXD634.
  • In all cases the market must be either:
    • a dedicated red market (slaughter) sale, or 
    • a section of a green market sale that is dedicated to slaughter. The conditions of sale must require movement direct to a slaughterhouse. 
  • Animals can only leave the market in compliance with general licence EXD634 and must move direct to a slaughterhouse. They cannot be moved to another premises for finishing.
  • No restrictions apply to animals at a market outside the restriction zone if the animals originate from outside the zone.

Movement of animals for purposes other than immediate slaughter

Animals from the restricted zone can move to a market anywhere in Great Britain subject to applying for a licence and completing bluetongue testing with negative results prior to movement

  • Animals that will stay within the same restricted zone do not require a licence or test to move. This includes animals entering the zone and moving to a premises in the zone. 
  • Animals wishing to leave the restricted zone to enter a market must apply to APHA for a specific licence EXD632. Bluetongue testing with negative results is required prior to movement. On leaving the market the keeper/haulier must comply with general licence EXD637
  • Animals that enter a market in the restricted zone with the intention of being available for sale to premises outside the zone require a licence.  Bluetongue testing with negative results is required prior to movement to the market. The keeper must apply to APHA for a specific licence EXD632 in order to obtain the necessary testing. On leaving the market the keeper/haulier must comply with general licence EXD637.
  • Animals from outside the restricted zone entering a market within the restricted zone do not require a licence or testing to enter the market. Subject to not remaining in the zone beyond the end of the market, they will not require testing.  On leaving the market the keeper/haulier must comply with general licence EXD637.
  • No restrictions apply to animals at a market outside the restriction zone if the animals originate from outside the zone


  • Ewes with lambs at foot and cows with calves at foot moving out of the RZ to live - The Ewes and cows must be pre-movement tested, but their progeny do not require a pre-movement test.

Movement of animals from outside the restricted zone into a market in the restricted zone

  • Animals from premises outside the restricted zone moving to a market inside the restricted zone may be sold and moved immediately back out of the zone without testing – direct to slaughter under general licence GL EXD634 or to another premises under general licence . They may be sold to a premises in the zone without testing or licence. If they then leave a premises in the restricted zone, they will be subject to the rules in place at the time of movement.
  • This exemption does not include movements to non-market holdings. The moves MUST be direct, and the animals should be dispatched as quickly as possible following the sale. (maximum 24 hours)

General requirements for movements

  • Animals must be individually identified 
  • Animals must not show signs of bluetongue infection at the time of movement

Got a question?

Speak to your local auctioneer who will be able to advise you on marketing opportunities for your livestock. 

Representing you

  • The LAA continues to represent the interests of British farmers and livestock markets in all policy negotiations with Defra & Welsh Government regarding the BTV-3 outbreak. 
  • The LAA is working closely with member livestock markets to advise of the latest policy developments and changes to regulations.